Saturday, April 16, 2011

Reflecting Back

My mission has taught me many things. I learned how to become a better person, and a better disciple of Jesus Christ. I think I have grown physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have overcome obstacles that I would never have if I hadn't served a mission. My mission has meant everything to me. It truly has been a gift from God.

One major lesson I had learned was that our lives really are dictated by the choices we make. Before coming out on my mission I was faced with a choice. The choice I had was to either stay and perform in the last musical that the college I went to would ever put on, and finish my degree, or go on a mission as soon as I turned nineteen. It was something that had really weighed on my mind. I wanted to go on a mission and fulfill my duty to God, but I also did not want to miss out on the opportunity to participate in this musical. I prayed about it, and my answer came while I was sitting at church. We sang a hymn called, "I Need Thee Every Hour." It was then that the Spirit opened my mind, and then I knew that the Lord needed me ASAP! It was not too long after that I put in my mission papers, and I was called to serve in the Montana Billings Mission.

I have been serving in the states of Montana and Wyoming for almost two years now. My experiences have been many and varied, but I know that there are more ahead for me after my mission. I have seen many come unto Christ, and I have been delighted to help them. My own personal relationship with Christ has increased! After much prayer and fasting I have come to know Jesus Christ for myself! I believe in Jesus Christ. I would not trade my mission for anything else in the world.

Of course while I have been serving many things have happened at home as well. My sister, for instance, got her first boyfriend and her first kiss! My little sister! I was not there for that time to pull the "big brother" card or anything like that! My younger brother unleashed this new artistic talent that has blown many people away, and yet I had no idea that was going on! My baby brother got baptized and I missed that! Then my older sister has gone through a lot of grief, and I was not there to support her or help her out. My family has grown up with out me there. I guess that isn't a very comforting thought, but it is true. However, I know that the Lord has blessed them in their struggles because of my decision to serve a mission.

The lives of my family, my life, the lives of those I have taught have all been blessed because of my choice. The mission was not only about me, but about all of God's other children. I probably wont ever know what impact serving a mission has caused, but I do know that this service has been well worth it. I encourage all everywhere, who is  able, to serve a mission. Even if you are not able, I know the Lord still needs you.

I have loved my mission, and I know that in many times in my life I will reflect back on the experiences I have had here. I will become a great asset for the Kingdom, as are every other young man or woman who chooses to serve a mission.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Woman, why weepest thou?"

Mary Magdalene weeped as she saw that the tomb that once held in resting the body of the Son of God was empty. The body, she assumed, had been taken. Then a voice of a man spoke from behind her. "Woman, why weepest thou?" Supposing the man to be the gardener she replied, "Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away." Oh what joy she must have felt! What hymns of thanksgiving and praise must have been sung in her heart! She heard her name escape the lips of the man behind her. It was a voice that she indeed did recognize. "Mary," said the Man. She then turned her head and with her heart swollen within her, the word "Rabboni" escaped her lips. "Master." She knew that all was not lost, but that all was about to be fulfilled.

We too will be filled with joy when Jesus Christ comes again. We will be shouting, "Hosanna! The Lord has come!" I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Missionaries all over the world, including myself, are proclaiming this truth to all people, kindred, and tongue! We are anxiously awaiting, and are constantly preparing for the Second Coming of the Master. It is then when we hope that when the Risen Lord calls us individually by name, that we too may recognize Him as Mary Magdalene did. That we too may be joyous for the day we have awaited for has come, and that we too may stand before Him and say,"Rabboni, which is to say Master." That He may reply, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." This is our greatest desire.

May we always remember the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. His triumph over death. He broke the bands of death so that we too may become resurrected beings. May we not weep this Easter season over the loss of loved ones, or suffer because of the separation caused by death. However, let us rejoice in the goodness of God and all exclaim "Hosanna! For the Lord has overcome death for us!" If you would like to learn more about this glorious event, or how you and your family could be together forever, PLEASE chat with any LDS online missionary, or visit